Google Cloud Platform support for InSpec

When we released InSpec 2.0 in February 2018, it shipped with native support for AWS and Azure. Over the course of the last 3 months, the InSpec team and community kept adding more AWS and Azure resources. We also showcased how Terraform can be tested effectively with InSpec. In parallel, we worked on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) support which is now available.

Verify Google Cloud Platform resources

Google Cloud Platform support for InSpec
Google Cloud Platform support for InSpec

We wanted to extend the cloud support for a while and the InSpec community has been super fast in its adoption! Martez Reed pushed an early-prototype right after InSpec 2.0 has been announced and Thomas Poindessous brought up the needs for GCP support in the community. We’ve listened and worked with Google to get GCP support into InSpec.

To get native GCP support, we added GCP support in Train and worked on InSpec GCP Resources. The resource pack is like an InSpec profile with custom resources but without any controls. This resource pack allows us to improve the stability and documentation of the resources before we bring them into core InSpec. Stuart Paterson built those resources on top of Martez’s ideas. Now, let’s see how this works in practice.


InSpec GCP resources require a GCP client ID and secret. The easiest way to set up the credentials is via the Google SDK. Please install and configure the GCP SDK by downloading the SDK and running the installation via ./google-cloud-sdk/ Once everything is installed, we are ready to gather the credentials:

gcloud auth application-default login
cat ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json 
  "client_id": "",
  "client_secret": "d-fasdabcdabcdabceroi123knrmfs;fabc",
  "refresh_token": "1/asdfjlklabc;ldabc'dfmk-lCkju3-yQmjr20xVZabcfkE48L",
  "type": "authorized_user"

If you are a fist time GCP user, you may be required to enable the GCP APIs like Compute Engine API or Kubernetes Engine API.

Since GCP setup is ready, please update to the latest InSpec version. At least version 2.1.78 is required. To verify that the access works, run:

$ inspec detect -t gcp://

== Platform Details

Name:      gcp
Families:  cloud, api
Release:   google-cloud-v

Create a new GCP profile

To create a new GCP profile, use inspec init profile command:

$ inspec init profile gcp-example-profile
Create new profile at /Users/chris-rock/gcp-example-profile
 * Create directory libraries
 * Create file
 * Create directory controls
 * Create file controls/example.rb
 * Create file inspec.yml
 * Create file libraries/.gitkeep
$ cd gcp-example-profile
$ cat inspec.yml
name: gcp-example-profile
title: InSpec Profile
maintainer: The Authors
copyright: The Authors
license: Apache-2.0
summary: An InSpec Compliance Profile
version: 0.1.0

InSpec creates the profile structure that looks as following:

$ tree .
├── controls
│   └── example.rb
├── inspec.yml
└── libraries

2 directories, 3 files

The inspec.yml contains the profile metadata, example.rb includes the InSpec tests. Now, we adapt the inspec.yml to load the InSpec resource pack for Google Cloud Platform and tell InSpec that the profile is intended for GCP.

name: gcp-example-profile
  - name: gcp-resources
  - platform: gcp

Now, we edit the example.rb verify that our GCP project exists via the google_project InSpec resource:

title 'sample gcp test section'

PROJECT_NUMBER = attribute('project_number', description: 'gcp project number')

control 'gcp-1' do
  impact 0.7
  title 'Check development project'
  describe google_project(project: PROJECT_NUMBER) do
    it { should exist }
    its('name') { should eq 'inspec-gcp' }
    its('project_number') { should cmp PROJECT_NUMBER }
    its('lifecycle_state') { should eq 'ACTIVE' }

We also use InSpec attributes to make the profile more flexible. Just create an attributes.yml that includes the project_number value

project_number: 41681219238

Now, run the profile with InSpec:

inspec exec . -t gcp:// --attrs attributes.yml

Profile: InSpec Profile (gcp-example-profile)
Version: 0.1.0
Target:  gcp://

  ✔  gcp-1: Check development project
     ✔  Project  should exist
     ✔  Project  name should eq "inspec-gcp"
     ✔  Project  project_number should cmp == 41681219238
     ✔  Project  lifecycle_state should eq "ACTIVE"

Profile: Google Cloud Platform Resource Pack (inspec-gcp)
Version: 0.2.0
Target:  gcp://

     No tests executed.

Profile Summary: 1 successful control, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 4 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped

As the next step, we add a test to verify an google storage bucket by using the google_storage_bucket resource:

BUCKET = attribute('storage_bucket', description: 'gcp storage bucket identifier')

control 'gcp-3' do
  impact 0.3
  title 'Check that the storage bucket was created'
  describe google_storage_bucket(name: BUCKET) do
    it { should exist }
    its('storage_class') { should eq 'STANDARD' }
    its('location') { should eq 'EUROPE-WEST2' }

Now, just update the attributes.yml:

project_number: 41681219238
storage_bucket: gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh

and run the profile with InSpec again:

inspec exec . -t gcp:// --attrs attributes.yml

Profile: InSpec Profile (gcp-example-profile)
Version: 0.1.0
Target:  gcp://

  ✔  gcp-1: Check development project
     ✔  Project  should exist
     ✔  Project  name should eq "inspec-gcp"
     ✔  Project  project_number should cmp == 41681219238
     ✔  Project  lifecycle_state should eq "ACTIVE"
  ✔  gcp-3: Check that the storage bucket was created
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh should exist
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh storage_class should eq "STANDARD"
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh location should eq "EUROPE-WEST2"

Profile: Google Cloud Platform Resource Pack (inspec-gcp)
Version: 0.2.0
Target:  gcp://

     No tests executed.

Profile Summary: 2 successful controls, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 7 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped

As the final step, we verify a GCP instance via the google_compute_instance InSpec resource:

INSTANCE_NAME = attribute('instance_name', description: 'gcp instance identifier')
ZONE = attribute('instance_zone', description: 'instance zone')

control 'gcp-3' do
  impact 0.5
  title 'Check the GCP instance'
  describe google_compute_instance(project: PROJECT_NUMBER, zone: ZONE, name: INSTANCE_NAME) do
    it { should exist }
    its('name') { should eq 'gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm' }
    its('machine_type') { should eq 'f1-micro' }
    its('cpu_platform') { should match 'Intel' }
    its('status') { should eq 'RUNNING' }

Since we use two additional attributes, we update the attributes.yml accordingly:

project_number: 41681219238
storage_bucket: gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh
instance_zone: europe-west2-a
instance_name: gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm2

Let’s run the profile with InSpec again:

archlinux:..gcp-example-profile ±> inspec exec . -t gcp:// --attrs attributes.yml

Profile: InSpec Profile (gcp-example-profile)
Version: 0.1.0
Target:  gcp://

  ✔  gcp-1: Check development project
     ✔  Project  should exist
     ✔  Project  name should eq "inspec-gcp"
     ✔  Project  project_number should cmp == 41681219238
     ✔  Project  lifecycle_state should eq "ACTIVE"
  ✔  gcp-2: Check that the storage bucket was created
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh should exist
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh storage_class should eq "STANDARD"
     ✔  Bucket gcp-inspec-storage-bucket-rgjqbngjzyeofzh location should eq "EUROPE-WEST2"
  ✔  gcp-3: Check the GCP instance
     ✔  Instance gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm should exist
     ✔  Instance gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm name should eq "gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm"
     ✔  Instance gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm cpu_platform should match "Intel"
     ✔  Instance gcp-inspec-int-linux-vm status should eq "RUNNING"

Profile: Google Cloud Platform Resource Pack (inspec-gcp)
Version: 0.2.0
Target:  gcp://

     No tests executed.

Profile Summary: 3 successful controls, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 11 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped


In just a few minutes, we created a few tests that verified some aspects of our GCP setup. This example profile is available at Github and should give you a good start into InSpec GCP. The InSpec GCP resource pack already ships with many resources:

  • google_compute_address
  • google_compute_firewall
  • google_compute_image
  • google_compute_instance
  • google_compute_instance_group
  • google_container_cluster
  • google_container_node_pool
  • google_project.rb
  • google_project_iam_custom_role
  • google_service_account
  • google_storage_bucket

We are always looking for more contributions and feedback for the InSpec resources. Please try out the new GCP resources and help us to make them better questions or ideas.

I am looking for your feedback!

  • Chris